Easy Day ... (June 23, 2009)

After yesterday’s ride, I had decided to take it easy today. Prairie City to Clyde Holliday State Park is only about 21 miles, and it is pretty much flat. The town of John Day is about 13 miles from Prairie City, so I used it as a food stop. And good food it was. For the record, I have no idea who Clyde and John were, nor what they did to warrant naming parks/towns after them. I am sure they did something in this area that is historic in nature. This reminds me, I saw a plaque in John Day today that said that in 1878 nothing happened at that location.

This area is high desert, and quite warm … which does me good. There are only a few clouds in the sky; I am hoping the warmth is here to stay for a while.

I bought a book at Betty’s Bookstore in Baker City (besides the semi-amusing alliteration, it is a nice independent bookstore). The book (Westward Vision by David Lavender) discusses how the Western United States (west of the Mississippi) was explored starting in the 1540s, and how the various overland trails were developed. Being a “C” student prohibits me from giving a concise summary of what I have read, but at the point I have reached, Mr. Lavender has been discussing the political and economic reasons that France, Spain and England were attempting to find a passage through North America to Asia. Interesting read. I should mention that being a “C” student also leaves me with the nagging thought that the name of the book should have been underlined, put in parenthesis, or italised.

Anyway, today has been an easy, restful day.

Warm is good.

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