Heading South … (June 15, 2022)

Really not at all sure if my decision to head south was based upon wisdom or fear.

But indeed I am heading toward Southern Washington and Oregon.  Not quite sure of the chosen path, but intend to make visits with friends in Bend and Eugene.  After that ???

Today is Wednesday, and I will be riding between Cheney and Ritzville, both in Eastern Washington … 55 miles.

This past Sunday I had an easy day of 24 miles riding between Sandpoint and Priest River, ID.  Nice partly cloudy day passing through quite beautiful forested river and lake country.  Very nice indeed.  

So much for nice … Monday’s ride of 45 miles into North Spokane was most miserable.  For the entire 45 miles it rained, with a high temperature of (coincidentally) 45 degrees.  The euphoria of seeing the Best Western Hotel (for which I had made a reservation) was indeed euphoric!  Oh my, a hot shower and refuge from the weather.  Oh my.

Upon leaving the hotel yesterday morning, I followed Google Map’s meandering cycling route through the Western Spokane suburbs.  The main shopping area was comprised of all of the usual stores, and could have been located in any large western city, but the residential areas were definitely different than those located in the Southwest.  Lush green vegetation with many varieties of flowering plants.  Economically the neighborhoods varied from middle class upward, with a smattering of newer apartment complexes.

Following the meander, I came upon a wonderful 8 mile rail-to-trail paved path that brought a traffic-free calm. Weather was cloudy and in the low 50s, but nary a raindrop fell upon me.  The day’s 23 mile ride ended at Cheney, in another hotel.  I am really questioning why I am packing all of the weight of my camping gear.  Even when the weather is wonderful I despise the idea of camping. 

Speaking of camping, when I was riding through the cold rain the other day, I talked with two other touring cyclists. They were planning on camping again that night (a matter of pride, I think).  More power to them … but that ain’t me.

As mentioned earlier, today’s ride will be a long one, but a dry one.  My fitness level seems to be pretty good, but my mental state presently does not include the sense of adventure and joy I have experienced in the past. 

If indeed my decision to head south was fear-based, I have no regrets.  I am a desert boy, and while life may not have reached the “Life is Good” status yet …warm is definitely good. 

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