Where's the Magic? (June 10, 2013)

Don't know ... the magic seems to be missing from this ride down the Coast 

Yes, there have been and there will be over whelmingly beautiful sites to see.  Yes, there have been and there will be very interesting towns to ride through.  Yes, there have been amusing signs along the way.

I just do not seem to have that sense of adventure that I have experienced over the past summers' rides.

I suspect a lot of this lack of adventure is primarily due to the fact that I rode this same route two summers ago.  Now, instead of looking around corners wondering what is there to be seen/experienced, I come to an area and start thinking that I remember what is in store.  Fortunately for me, my memory is suspect at times so there are still surprises.

I am currently in Fortuna, CA.  Tomorrow I will head back up into redwood country for several days, then head over to the California Coastline.  The next week and several days getting to San Francisco offer up great riding and spectacular vistas.

This afternoon Ruth and Henry Jacobson are driving into Fortuna.  We will have an opportunity to share a meal and conversation before they continue their trip up to Vancouver, B.C. to visit their grand kids (and daughter and son-in-law ... but I think it is really about the grand kids).  Even though I have only been gone from Tucson for a little over two weeks, it will be good to see them.

I should clarify that while the magic of "wonder what is around the corner" is missing, I love the actual physical joy of riding. 

One out of two ain't bad.


  1. Randy, thnks for the updates. I looks forward to them every day. I will scrounge around the office (at work) today and look for the magic. Maybe it is hidden there.
    Correction: Two out of three ain't bad.
    Hang in there. The magic is out there looking for you too!

  2. Yikes! Randy not "seeing the magic", posting dead-end photos and Hemlock??!! I suspect you are just experiencing the "early ride mental droop syndrome". Hang in there and ditto what Bill says: the magic will find you!

  3. Randy: Clue: Talk to people, each one is an adventure.
