Smooth Sailing (Sept 16, 2013)

There are times, when riding, that it all seems to be too easy.  Beautiful day, no wind to speak of, low level of traffic ... and a recently paved roadway. Add to that a smug feeling of fitness, and you have a sense of smooth sailing.

Yesterday's ride from Searsport to Augusta, Maine provided me with that sense.  Yes there were climbs of the nature discussed in a previous post, but nowhere as unrelenting as previous days.  The 54 miles into Augusta were blessed by blue skies and a sense of progress moving toward Syracuse.

Two days ago Kim and I left Bar Harbor and rode to Searsport.  Again, it was a good day of riding ... just under 50 miles with some repetitive climbs (but not depressingly so).  The rest day in Bar Harbor was enjoyable and relaxing.  We again boarded a tour bus for a two hour tour around the Bar Harbor/Acadia National Park area.  The day was overcast, rainy and the island was cloaked by fog.  The tour guide/bus driver pointed out many, many beautiful sights that we could have seen if the fog had not been shrouding it all.  It was a good informative tour none-the-less.

Back in the 1890-to-1920 era, Bar Harbor was a summer home for many of the super rich ... Rockefeller, Aster, Mellon, etc., etc., etc.  These folks built summer "cottages" that were astounding in size and design.  I have to wonder just how much money those people had that they could build such large homes at so many different locations around the country.  Anyway, putting financial envy aside, the tour was enjoyable and the day spent browsing around town was very nice.

Kim and I said our good byes yesterday, and are each heading to our respective airports.  It has been said by me before, but I will say it again ... it is hard to say good-bye not knowing when we will see each other again.  This ride has been a good ride ... I miss Kim already.

Today's ride to Lewiston, Maine will be an easy day of about 30 miles ... however, the blue skies are not visible and the rain is falling.

Oh well, take the bad with the good.  

1 comment:

  1. Randy. Whats with all the green trees? Were there more colors up north?
