Into the Midwest (July 12, 2012)

Having logged a little over 2,000 miles, our little traveling troupe has finally reached the Midwest ... corn fields aplenty and many, many windmills.  The wheat fields seem to have been harvested, but the corn is only about 3' high.

The one element to remind us of recent rides was yesterday's ride into a wind.  The 58 mile ride was difficult ... very hot and windy.  Once again we rode along the most unpleasurable SD 79 highway.  Constant rollers made each climb feel like groundhog day.  Again, not much in the way of services.  Fortunately, gambling casinos are not legal in Nebraska.  Due to this, there was a casino/restaurant at the South Dakota side of the state line ... thankfully ... air conditioning and a cold drink does wonders when riding in upper 90 degree weather.  Upon reaching Chadron, NE, we all gathered at the local McDonald's ... again air conditioning and cold drinks.

Once again Kim worked her magic and found a locally owned motel with very inexpensive rooms ... I am a sucker for air conditioning and cold drinks (liquor store across the street, don'cha know).

Today's 48 mile ride to Gordon, NE was much improved ... and this is where the visuals of the Midwest became evident.  Corn fields, wind mills, harvested wheat fields, water towers sending out the message that a small town is near, and cattle.  I particularly like the water towers because the sight of the tower (or sometimes grain elevators) means you will soon be near cold water.  Wyoming did not offer such relief.

One thing that Wyoming did offer was the repeated occurrences of  antelope running (or rather "bounding") along beside us as we moved down the road.  One thing Wyoming did not offer, which Kim, Frank and I saw today, was a cow galloping along in an adjacent field ... and I mean to say this cow was "hoofing it".  All out sprint!  Four years of touring, and the most I have ever seen a cow do is turn it's head to stare as I passed by.  Very, very odd.

So now we are heading east along Hwy 20, heading across the northern part of Nebraska.  It is hot, but not unbearably so ... and we still have the hope of one day having an honest-to-goodness tailwind.

Hope springs eternal.

1 comment:

  1. It's been great watching your progress, Randy... keep havin' fun. Wanted to let you know that I've been testing the Goal 0/Guide 10 solar panel and battery with my smartphone with good results. Charge the battery during the day, then charge the phone from the battery in the evening. This is working well in Tucson where the sunshine has been "abundant". Maybe your set-up is working well... now that you are riding in the sunshine?
