This Ain't the Northwest (March 25, 2015)

Over the past six summers, I have spent many-a-mile riding through the greenery of the Northwest, the Pacific Coast, upper Midwest and New England.  Lots of green.

Just started this summer's bike tour yesterday ... started in Globe, AZ and heading eastward on the ACA Southern Tier route.  For those who are unfamiliar with the area east of Globe ... lots of desert brown coupled with more desert brown ... and wind ... and shortage of places to camp.

While it feels good to be out riding again, the riding so far has been less than exciting.  I had planned to put in about 40 miles, then find a spot off road to set-up the tent.  Talked to a young English lady who was riding westward, and she indicated the only place she saw to camp was a park in Ft. Thomas ... 53 miles from Globe.  53 miles is doable unless you are confronted with a head wind.  I was cooked on reaching Ft. Thomas, but the park felt better than just pulling off the road.  Even though I did not get much sleep due to trains and trucks, it was okay.

Short 22 mile ride into Safford today for which I am grateful as my legs were sending an emphatic message ...  holding up in a hotel this evening, feeling much better and hopeful of a sound night's sleep.

Recognizing the difference in physical effort required in "planning" and actually "doing" ... I am planning on following the Southern Tier to Florida, then (depending on mental attitude) ride north along the Atlantic Ocean to Richmond, VA.  After that, I (again) "plan" to head west on the ACA TransAm route.  Planning is the easy part.

So that is the long-term plan ... short-term plan is to climb up into bed (as opposed to crawling into my tent) and sleep soundly.  Sleep is good.


  1. I look forward to your wonderful prose over the summer. Be safe and have fun.

  2. Hi Mr. Garmon, We eagerly await your posts! Tell us everything! We'll miss you Monday nights! Peg

  3. Glad the blog is up and rolling once again just like you. Safe travels out there uncle and can't wait to read all about it.

  4. I'm a little behind on your blog. But I'm excited as all hell that you're back on the road. Looking forward to following along!
