Coming Soon ... Chapter Two (May 7, 2010)

Ah, the lure of the road does call.

I will be heading back to the Northwest the end of May (flying this time!!), and starting this summer's bike tour the first week of June. Planned route includes the coast of Oregon and Washington, then linking up with the Adventure Cycling Northern Tier route in Anacortes, WA, north of Seattle. From there, east across Washington, Idaho, Montana and in to North Dakota. At Williston, ND, the road heads south on the Lewis and Clark route (again, Adventure Cycling ... down to either Sioux City, IA or Omaha. The annual week-long RAGBRAI ride (insane ride across Iowa with 15,000 other cyclists) starts on July 25.

After reaching the Mississippi River, the route will then somehow (yet to be determined) head east to Massachusetts.

The bike is still hanging on the wall, so we will just have to see where the ride goes and ends ... but the road does call (and it is starting to get hot in Phoenix).